Will Eaves

This week we speak to novelist, poet and teacher, Will Eaves.

Will was Arts Editor of the Times Literary Supplement from 1995 to 2011 and his work has been short-listed for the Goldsmiths Prize, the Ted Hughes Award for Poetry and the BBC National Short Story Award.

We discuss his approach to structuring a novel, turning notes into a finished work, working with a small press and capturing the dream-like state of the unconscious in prose.

Most recently he is author of the Murmur from CB Editions as well as:

The Oversight (Picador, 2001)

Nothing To Be Afraid Of (Picador, 2005)

Sound Houses (Carcanet, 2011)

This Is Paradise (Picador, 2012)

The Absent Therapist (CB Editions, 2014)

The Inevitable Gift Shop (CB Editions, 2016) 

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